Our Products

Reliable Waste Water Management Solutions & Zero Liquid Discharge Plants

REGREEN EXCEL EPC INDIA LTD. offers a comprehensive range of technologies to address Water and Waste Water Management issues in line with the specific treatment and recycle needs including "Zero Liquid Effluent Discharge Plants" for the process industries such as:

Sugar and Distilleries

Textile and dyeing industry

Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals

Dairy and Food Industry

Paper and Pulp

Petrochemicals and refining

Other process and heavy industries and desalination plants

Our custom built solutions are purely based on scientifically designed unit operations & processes, robust design conforming to international standards and optimized instrumentations & controls for trouble free and safe operations.

Your wastewater is the most reliable source of your fresh water !


Water & Waste Water Management Solutions:

Raw Water Clarification and PreTreatment Plants

Effluent Treatment, Recycle and Zero Liquid Effluent Discharge Systems

Recycle and Zero Liquid Effluent Discharge Systems

Filtration System

Demineralization Plants

Membrane Separation Systems

Ultra Filtration Units

Softening Systems

Desalination Plants

Recycle System

Condensate Polishing Units (CPU)

Dissolved Air Floatation (DAF) Systems

Aerobic and Anaerobic Systems

With our profound knowledge of process industry, our first step is to conduct a process audit and develop a template for mass balance of each unit process. Our offerings are purely based on study of process operation, minimizing effluent generation in process itself, reuse and recycle of process streams, trouble free operation, low operation and maintenance cost and finally minimizing the use of fresh water.

And whatever you would expect from A Global Technology Partner ...